Resource Articles

November 7, 2024
Ways To Positively Cope With Stress
Emotions are information, our body’s way to help direct us into action. The way our body responds to stress is a protective mechanism, powerfully functional in actual danger but sometimes limiting when the danger is only perceived (vs a running away from a tiger). Heart racing, body tension, stomach aches, and fearful thoughts don’t help us with most modern stressors,…

September 23, 2024
How do I fight my Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that leads individuals to doubt that they merit their position or accomplishments. As the name suggests, people struggling with imposter syndrome may view themselves as shams or fear being exposed as “frauds.” Those experiencing this destructive thinking pattern might find they have persistent anxiety, self-doubt, and fear of being “exposed” as inadequate. Imposter syndrome…

September 16, 2024
Preparing for College Life – Setting Up A Dorm Room: Decor and Organization Tips
Entering your college dorm for the first time, know it is more than just your living space for the next year. This “home away from home” is the very foundation of your college experience. It can be make-or-break. A well-designed dorm room can improve everyday life by providing a sanctuary to study, sleep, and socialize. Building a functional and safe…

August 19, 2024
Preparing for the New School Year – Tips, Tricks, and Good Habits for Students and Parents Alike
Nothing brings down the warm weather mood faster than seeing back-to-school ads start to pop up everywhere. For kids, it means summer break –and all its associated freedoms – are drawing to a close. It’s time to start dreading homework loads and catastrophizing about whether or not your friends like you. For parents, ’tis the season of Target runs and…

August 5, 2024
Postpartum Depression and Self-Care
Welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting and joyous time that also comes with a fair amount of anxiety and stress. Sleep deprivation, physical healing, and juggling a new routine are just a few of the stressors facing parents during the postpartum period. It is normal for such a big life transition to cause shifts in mood.…

July 29, 2024
Navigating Divorce After the Empty Nest
As children grow up and leave home, many couples find themselves facing a significant transition in their lives: the empty nest. For some, this period marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with renewed freedom, opportunities for personal growth, and rekindled romance. However, for others, the empty nest can also shine a spotlight on underlying issues in the relationship,…

June 12, 2024
How Pets Can Improve Your Mental Health
Humans are inherently social creatures. Our wellbeing is linked not only to having our interactions with others, but additionally to forming meaningful bonds with those who we frequently see and interact with. In our stressful and uncertain lives, companionship is a necessary recharger. With this need built into our biological harddrive, is it any wonder that pets have a paw-sitive…

March 28, 2024
How to Handle Finances in a Relationship with Evonne Noble, MA, LMHC
What is one area that most couples struggle with? Finances. No matter where you are at in your relationship, managing finances can be a challenge. In this conversation, psychotherapist Evonne Noble joins Brandon to how to handle finances in a relationship and how to handle money conversations as a couple. Evonne Noble, MA, LMHC is the owner and CEO of…

March 28, 2024
What Is Trauma?
An individual can experience trauma when they undergo a negative experience that creates lasting, and sometimes debilitating, effects on the individual’s mind and emotions. These reactions are known as trauma responses and if left untreated can greatly alter the way someone proceeds in life. The individual can be left with avoidance issues to not bring up their trauma, trigger responses…

March 28, 2024
Do you suffer from stress and anxiety?
Common Signs of anxiety include: Fear and dread Overpowering feelings of panic Uncontrollable obsessive thoughts Painful, intrusive memories Recurring nightmares Enduring physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, being easily startled, and unrelenting tension in muscles Sweating, trembling, or shaking Dizziness or lightheadedness Feeling unreal or disconnected Fear of losing control These symptoms can come and go, but if they…