Unwinding and Reducing Stress

Unwinding and Reducing Stress

Unwinding and Reducing Stress

In this fast-paced world, stress can quickly become a part of our everyday lives, seeping into our bodies and impacting our mental well-being. While we struggle with demands from jobs, responsibilities, to-do lists, and shaky relationships, finding effective ways to relieve stress is essential.

Stress reduction isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Each individual will recharge by doing different activities. In this post, we’ll explore five innovative ways to reclaim your sense of calm.

1. Arts and Crafts

We all remember coloring in mandalas or butterflies in grade school. While some people may associate arts and crafts with being a “juvenile” activity, we’ve come to tell you that there are plenty of ways to level it up into a therapeutic practice. The stress-free concentration we slip into while doing arts and crafts can create a mindful state, while sensory engagement can reduce anxiety.

Arts can be a productive distraction, as it comes with a tangible sense of achievement and a low-stakes environment. Various mature coloring books (on the off chance you don’t want to color in Barbies) feature patterns or more complicated scenery. Similarly, taking up repetitive activities such as knitting or embroidery can help work the brain’s “flow state” muscles. Over time, keeping artistic expression part of your daily routine can help you decompress from the more stressful parts of your schedule.

2. Creative Journaling

While you might not be excited about keeping a traditional diary, don’t discount the idea of journaling entirely. There are plenty of creative spins on writing that can help soothe a frazzled mind.

We’ve shared below some of our favorite ways to fill journal pages:

  • Soundtrack journal: create a playlist of songs that resonate with your current emotions or experiences. Pairing music with your internal state can help create a deeper connection to murky emotions.
  • Soundtrack journal: create a playlist of songs that resonate with your current emotions or experiences. Pairing music with your internal state can help create a deeper connection to murky emotions.
  • Gratitude journaling: When stressed, it can be easy to see only the bad in the world. But there are so many things we take for granted. Sit down and see what you have to be thankful for.
  • Mind map: Let your mind wander and build a mind map out of your streams of consciousness. This can be a great way to identify stressors and organize rambling thoughts.

There is plenty more that you can do with your trusty journal. Let your creativity run wild!

3. Nature Immersion:

Being in nature is proven to lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. There is a lot of versatility when it comes to spending time outside. You can go for a walk or run and let the combination of endorphins and time outside wash away stress. You can sit and sketch, taking in the scene around you and getting into the “flow”. You can even choose to eat your lunch on a park bench or out in the sun.

With a plethora of different ways to enjoy it, try making nature time a part of your daily routine.

4. Laughter Therapy

Laughter stimulates the heart and lungs, and it also releases endorphins that can instantly alleviate stress. Going out (or staying in) with friends can be a good way to get your daily laughter in. Alternatively, you can find compilations of humorous videos or a comedy show. Even just moving your muscles to form a smile signals to the brain that it’s time to release dopamine.

5. Distract with Games

Find a good, stress-relieving game to play when you start to feel panicked. This can include a daily crossword or sudoku, but can even include video games such as Stardew Valley. As always, moderation is a good practice, since you probably don’t want to start thinking in crossword clues.

We have a very limited amount of relaxation time in our day. While the idea of “productive relaxation” might sound counterintuitive, finding ways to maximize your down time can reduce overall stress levels. Recharging is an important part of maintaining mental health, and it’s not a good idea to spend all of your breaks doom scrolling social media or lying in bed.

While we’ve listed five here, there truly are endless ways to reduce your stress. Maybe you can mix some of the ideas listed above to create an entirely new way to de-stress.